01 June 2010

Happy Belated Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day... To me at the beginning of the weekend, that seemed more like an oxymoron. Let's celebrate the day that we recognize the people who have died for our country. But as always, I was finally able to bring myself around to my own previous point of view. Memorial Day is about recognizing sacrifices, sure, but it's also about celebrating the fact that those sacrifices have happened. In a day when WW2 veterans die at a rate of over a thousand a day (correct me if that's inaccurate), it's critical that we celebrate this freedom and remember those who have given it to us. Maybe, just maybe, if we remember them then we will remember how much this freedom was worth.

Two online articles related to freedom. First check out this atlas obscura site and their article about Albanian Communist Crazies. Absolutely unbelievable, even for post-Stalinism.

Secondly, the 3rd highest al-qaeda (which is still not in the online dictionary) personnel was killed. Why on earth they confirmed this to the world, I have no idea. You'd think at this point they don't talk unless they want heard, and they would have no legitimate reason to let us know about this. But obviously, I'm not privy to their strategic discussions. But then I checked out the actual news reports and they are starkly different from the radio versions I heard today, go figure. Check out this report and let me know how convincing you find it?

Also in other Memorial Day news. My sister performed a wonderful senior recital. I really enjoyed finally hearing the fruition of all of her hard work. And now the household gets to hear some new music. Finally!

And lastly, I embed this video for your enjoyment(?). It's an absolutely amazing crash which I am pretty sure the guy actually survives in the end, which is the most incredible part of the whole deal. I hope he's doing ok.

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