04 June 2010


I'm not really 100% sure what I'm getting into yet, or what the word "pelotonia" is supposed to mean. However, I will be riding in it, the whole 200 miles to Athens, OH, and back. The Pelotonia has a pretty cool website. Check it out, but don't sponsor directly to the site! Within a week or so I will be registered on there and ready to receive donations on my behalf. And trust me, I need help. I can't get to the money limit all by meself, that's for sure.

As far as riding a bike that far? Well, I'm figuring that I'll start by riding my fixi. If I can get my fixi up to 60 miles, then I'll be in great shape for the race. That gives me more time to find a suitable bike using the good old craigs list to find something both cheap and durable. I think I've found a couple of decent options, but time will tell if I can get one of them.

Also, my dearest Amanda has been highly complemented recently for her great blog posts. You should definitely check out her MLHR blog with OSU's Fisher. She's pretty much amazing.

Thunderstorms came through again today, and the garden remains wet. It's been a rough week for getting stuff in, but Mom found some volunteer tomatoes in the peas and beans so I transferred them over yesterday before they were choked out. Otherwise, I'm trying to stay out of the garden as much as possible. I feel bad for the farmers that I've been talking to and driving past. They have so much invested and the weather has been pretty rough this spring.

Also. Katherine mentioned finding a sheep of ours chained up about a month or two ago, even though we've never chained an animal before. Apparently we have some neighborhood non-neighborly intruders and we're going to have to do a better job of watching the place. For anyone else trying to raise livestock of any species or quantity this year, please keep an eye on them and protect them from the crazies roaming about.

Also. Weight report is at 238.2. Funny, I just don't think I'm losing any... Oh well. I'm off to ride this evening.

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