14 January 2010

Blogging Master

I could really get used to this whole randomly blogging more often thing. I know, some of the blogs you're like "what is he doing?", but it's cool, I don't expect you to always understand why I write what I do. In fact, the coolest thing about blogs isn't that anyone else reads them but that years from now I can go back and see them again, and it's pretty crazy to go back and re-read.

So Management 325.... well, that would be a fail. Today we got out 30 min early (again) after sitting through about that much time of Office Space. Don't get me wrong, I love the movie and it's a great example of business "what not to dos" but still I think that it is a waste of my time to be required to take this class for graduation.

In other news, apparently some morning sickness pill from the 50's and 60's maimed a bunch of babies, like 2000 of them in the U.K. All I really wondered was why that got on the news today? Something about millions of pounds in settlements still. Yeah, I'd be pissed if I was one of them.

I feel much better today after last night. I don't know if I overworked myself, was too dehydrated or just had some bug, but I felt absolutely awful and to top it all off, I couldn't even see. Bad news! But by the time I got back from draft horses this morning, I felt so much better.

Draft horses. Wow, they are so amazing. I just can't get over the amount of power in one of those. I'm so excited to get to drive them later on this summer. What a great class. It's something that MSU should never cut (but I expect them to in the next 10 years.)

I rode one of my bike repairs to class today (which is why I'm about to leave early to get to Spanish). It's not a bad ride, really, but it lacks more gearing so with only 7 speeds, the hills by the railroad tracks were a little harder than they needed to be. But then again, at least the chain doesn't slip on this one like that Schwinn which I swear is still determined to kill me by surprise someday.

Anyhow, off to class.

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