04 August 2010


These days I still spend a lot of time on the road visiting hog farms, but lately we've had some timing setbacks and so I've been at home, entering data and preparing for visits. This opens up my tv-watching time since most of this stuff requires little thought at all. All I really wanted to say was it is shocking how unbelievably bad television gets as it gets earlier in the day. I've seen just about all of the worst stuff there is... But I think I've found a show to occupy my interests when Bones, NCIS or House isn't on. That show is "The Colony".

The premise behind the show is that these people were selected to try to survive in a 10 acre area after a faked biological disaster. It appeals to me because of the rough creative nature that is necessary to survive in this manner. The ingenuity of some of the characters on it, whether fake or not (always the skeptic here) is kinda fun and thought provoking in a different manner than just watching medical or crime shows.

One other thing to throw out there. If you're interested in seeing wedding pictures of my most favorite and the most beautiful woman I know, they're right here. She was so beautiful that day and I can honestly say that I must have been the happiest man alive. I am so happy to have Amanda with me for the rest of my life. She is my greatest support and uplifts me every day. I really enjoyed the day and will post the honeymoon pictures next once I get them uploaded. Anyhow, I just wanted to share pictures of our special day. Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of us and our relationship - I look forward to your continued support throughout our marriage and hope that we return the favor.


  1. See, I never liked Lost. I can't put my finger on it, it just always struck me wrong.
