18 August 2010

Chinese and Biking...

... go together like, well, like, um... Chinese food and biking don't go together at all. They don't go together while the food is still in your digestive system at all. After a long day at work before lunch I came home and Amanda (still sick) and I ate lunch at around 4ish after I finally found the New China Express place. I really enjoy the food (this is the second time we've had it) and they are great portions for good prices. Amanda was negatively surprised by the quantity of onions that came with her beans and beef though, fyi.

Anyhow, great food, and about 90 minutes later I figured since I only ate about 2/3 of mine that it would be safe to venture out for a bike ride. Well, I rode for about 100 minutes, including all the traffic lights and near-death experiences that follow a biker anywhere near civilization (and if I bike away from civilization, the crappy roads tear my bike apart), my stomach was really churning by the time I reach halfway. I could feel it trying to surge back to previously visited parts of my esophagus and so the real struggle for the rest of the bike ride was to convince my body that I needed the nourishment for the rest of the day. End of story. Moral of the story: Chinese food is good, but it's better when you don't plan on doing anything after you eat some.

On a totally unrelated topic, Amanda has been reading Harry Potter again in anticipation of the new book coming out and today she asked me about Boxing Day. Well, I know that Tiffany probably told me at least twice about it, but I had to look it up again. For some reason, I had thought it was on Thanksgiving...? But it's not. Instead it's like a lower-class Christmas of sorts. Very interesting and I apologize in case Tiffany ever reads this because I should've remembered before.

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