03 January 2011


I wanna start this post by saying that for the new year I will be concentrating more on time management and thus will be controlling the amount of time I spend on blogger. Hopefully this will also have a reader benefit in the form of higher quality posts, but let's not get that hasty quite yet.

So on to business. For starters, I have been blown away by all this flooding down in Australia. I guess I'm unfamiliar with whether this kind of deluge is typical, but regardless it is so much bigger than normal that it's really epic in proportions.

Next, it would seem that there was a huge flock death of red-winged black birds in Arkansas over the new year. Whether it's the weather that caused it or other causes is yet to be determined. But it's always kinda creepy to have that many die all at once.

And then there's Facebook. I remember back when it was getting started how different was from now and while the changes haven't been fundamental it's still mind-blowing to see just how far it's gotten. I bet even Zuckerberg didn't even expect to have a $50 billion company on his hands or be Time's person of 2010.

And finally for today, read up on BBC's 6 ads that changed our world. Interesting read to be honest.

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