16 January 2011

Pelotona Registration

This past week I registered for the 2011 Pelotonia. Although it wasn't until May of last year that I even thought about the Pelotonia, this year I wanted to get an earlier start to make the fundraising process less stressful so that I can help other people who are riding with me raise funds as well as the year progresses.

You can view my public profile here, and I encourage you to let me know what you think about the Pelotonia, my riding, or fundraising ideas/offers, etc. This was a great experience last year and the visible appreciation of so many cancer patients, survivors and families was extremely touching. If you are interested in riding and raising money for cancer research, please do. The registration info is pretty straightforward and the organization is good about returning query emails as well.

I know that my profile says I am a virtual rider, but I am actually registered for the 100ish miles down to Athens, Ohio, this August. Because we are riding in the student group and this lowers our registration fee, they are having students register as virtual riders to simplify the online system. It was a lot easier for me than last year because this year we didn't have special forms and hopefully I won't receive a warning form about not having enough funds, etc. The OSU Student Group is very active and I know that I will be trying to get to know some of them this year and participating in their fundraising events.

Additionally, me and my friends will be accepting larger donations this year and are willing to put together a sponsorship jersey with sponsor names and/or logos on the jerseys. These are pretty common among the riders and can be a great way to get your organization recognized as a donor and to advertise to many people on the ride. If you have any interest in sponsoring with an advertisement on our jerseys, please let me know as well. We are a great, fun-loving group of people and will represent your name well.

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