01 September 2010

New Mozart?

Amanda sent me this link and I just want to voice a few things about it.

First off, she's great. For 6 years old, she's really great. Second, I think that music exists in everyone, hence why we have such different styles of music in the world, developed independent of other cultures. If you just let the music inside of you out, you'll find an ability to play music too. All you really need to know to be a musician of appreciable talent is to learn the basics and explore on your own. To be truly great you need lots of practice from well-trained teachers, and this is what takes this girl to the next level. There are probably a million parents dying to have a child that they can share with the public like this and pushing their kids to perform to this level as well. The difference is that this girl not only has the practice, but the talent, and the apparent love and feel for music in her soul. Otherwise she wouldn't want this, and you'd hear it in her music, like some poor 6th grader forced to play at a solo contest. You can see the parents beaming with pride, but the kid sweats on stage hoping not to hear on the car ride back about the notes their parents heard missed that only their parents cared about. No, this girl is good, and she loves it. Good luck to her.

On that note I just wanted to say one other thing. The next Mozart? Why do we always look to replace the old with the new. What happened to a girl just being good, and being standalone good. Why can't she have the notoriety of being good and enjoy it in her own way instead of being compared to someone else. Expectations can ruin many a good thing in life, and put a bad taste in the mouth when they're not realized in the way someone or other had imagined.

Remember that.

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