14 September 2010

New Hard Drive

Suffice it to say that I am thoroughly and sufficiently frustrated with Best Buy to have almost broken my laptop over their countertop and demand a new laptop replacement. Yet I haven't and I will spend the rest of today struggling with technology and updating everything that was running just fine on my computer beforehand. Thanks a lot, Best Buy.

In other news, Amanda is home this week and you can see the difference the moment you step in the door. The house is much cleaner, due in most part to her efforts. I pitch in where I can, such as freaking the life out of Jensen yesterday as I cleaned his bowl out (gross!) but she has put a lot of time and effort into it and I love the fruits of her labor right now.

The Delaware County Fair is rapidly approaching, as is school, the end of my summer job, the Farm Science Review and my baptism into the psychology of a department that is less accepting of my absence from class and other events. Duly noted.

Finally, I am just putting a little word out there about how wonderful it will be to have my new fitting blades, guards and clippers all happily delivered and housed in a new toolbox before the county fair starts. I'm inordinately excited about this as you can expect and can't wait to use the new blades I got on Katherine and Jacob's steers. I definitely worked miracles already for Jacob's steer but the real challenge will be how effectively we can get Katherine's ready for show on Monday as a group because it's going to take everyone's best efforts to bring this one into being.

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