01 February 2010

HSUS strikes back

We've all been waiting for it, so here it is. HSUS's pet organizations filed a petition signed in half of Ohio's counties requesting that the board be amended to eliminate cages and crates for the poultry and pork farms in Ohio. The time limit? 6 years. That's a little harsh as you look at it compared with other states, even states that have pissed off HSUS, such as Michigan. But in the end, Michigan turned with its tail between its legs and in return HSUS said that they would let it all slide for 10ish years. Ohio, well, we're a different story.

http://hsus.typepad.com/wayne/2009/11/index.html That link corresponds directly to a November link for HSUS in which Wayne posts his pro-HSUS comments feeding back about his anti-Issue 2 post.

http://hsus.typepad.com/wayne/2009/11/page/2/ This link is Wayne's original post.

Another thing while I'm angry and worked up - Why is it that HSUS posts undercover people who film everything to document tragedies, but instead fail to actually save the animals. This is an example of how HSUS is truly just a selfish agenda based organization, not truly an organization that cares about the animals. Otherwise, in the movie from Vermont, for example, you would see the undercover guy trying to stop the cruelty because he actually cares. He doesn't, or at least he doesn't know how to. Any farmer would stop that kind of cruelty, and most 'producers' would as well. Despite the impression that HSUS tries to give of a bad bushel of apples, we are not, and can sort out the few rottens faster and better for the animals than HSUS can.

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