18 February 2010

Biking rules

And yes while I do actually mean that it's a good time to bike, what I'm really trying to say here is that people need to understand what to do around bikes...

A) Bikes move faster than pedestrians. To pedestrians, this means that you need to stay out of the way of bikes and plan for them to be moving faster than you are walking. Aka, don't walk out in front of bikes expecting them to stop on a dime. Better yet, try now to go jumping out in front of one because you're in a hurry. And to cars, this means that bikes will be appearing faster in crosswalks than pedestrians. Apart from random foreigners, bikes are most likely to suddenly appear crossing the road. My simple suggestion: look at both sides of the sidewalk before blitzing through an crossing just because that way maybe you'll be less likely to plaster a biker.

B) Bikes are like vehicles on the road. While I'll admit that most bikers are not respectful of road rules, this does not mean that as a motorized vehicle drive you are permitted to just run them off the road. However, the opposite side of the spectrum is true too. People biking on the road realize there are cars there and are capable of riding straight and not being hit by them. When passing a biker, it is absolutely not necessary to drive on the left side of the road into oncoming traffic just to make sure you don't hit a biker.

On another note, can I just add that the girl beside me is underwear shopping online in the Anthony Hall computer lab. Awkward...

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