18 May 2011

Record Lows

This has been a weak of temperature shock to say the least. We really rocked the high 80's last week into the weekend, with enough sunshine to finally dry up the ground in a hurry. My fear of a sudden drought onslaught was disappointed by the rain which began a cold front a mere 10 minutes after the garden was in. This preceded what is now a couple of days with record lows for the month of May. Needless to say this has not been great for plant germination.

Of course, not all of the plants are struggling through this weather. Our indoor plants are doing well, and this includes our future upside down tomatoes which show such phototrophic aptitude that they switch sunlight orientation over the course of a meal when we rotate the dish they're sitting on. Our morning glories have shown their typical determination as well, even surviving an upset of the plant basket by Betsy when she thought she was going to catch a toad. Hopefully our warmer weather little guys will hang in there because I don't want to have to start all over.

Speaking of record lows, Amanda informs me Kasich's approval rating is currently at 38%. And who honestly approves of a guy who has been pulled over for not yielding to an emergency vehicle, publicly called a police officer stupid, rejected an agricultural deal with HSUS which people worked a year on, and who never knew our driver's licenses had changed colors? How far removed is this guy from real life? I have friends in other states who even know our licenses are pink.

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