18 May 2010

Home, week 2

Well, it's week 2 here and I just thought I would catch you all up on what I'm doing.

I'm traveling around to pig farms starting this week and quickly becoming acclimated to the smell and sound of pigs. This isn't to say I love it or anything, but hey, it'll be ok. More than anything, the ammonia is killing my lungs after day 2. We are apparently looking for masks tomorrow, but I don't know how much they'll keep out, since they're not respirators. Anyhow, this is just a shout out to Gail who never reads this to say that I think of you daily when I'm in the hog barns wondering if I'll smell all the rest of my life like pigs.

This is the middle of week 1 of trying consciously to lose weight. In my case, this means drinking less, eating breakfast, exercising at least 30 min every day (even if it is working in the garden or walking at work) and eating less after 10 pm. I know, right? Real sacrifices here, but I think I can deal with it. ;) I'll keep you updated on my weight as I diet, but for now let's go with my last recorded weight of 241 as my starting weight for this exercise. Hey America, if I can do these simple things to lose a few pounds, you can too.

Also, I just want to say that sometime in the future when I get as emotional and depressed about leaving MSU as I did last week, there will come a time when I post a really sappy post that retells all of my fondest memories of State, but suffice it to say that it was really wonderful to be back up on Sunday to visit Tony and Kim, and Dani at Harper's after the Sprague wedding, and to see Gail and her family, and Tasha at the reception. I miss all of my friends at State and the surrounding population and will continue to do so. We had some good times there and I hope we will keep close. I would say that I hope we keep in touch, but simply keeping in touch isn't good enough for me.

Anyhow, I'm exhausted, and the week is only part way, so I'm to bed for now.

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to tell me that I always smell like pigs?
