10 May 2010

Graduation and Moving

Obviously it was a hectic week or so since my last post. You know I've been busy if I haven't blogged, facebooked, or even cleaned out my gmail spam. And at the end of graduation week, with my final grades coming in and my apartment cleaned out, I'm tired of telling people about where I'm going with my future and what I would like to do. Instead, I'd like to talk about my past couple of weekends.

I went to Tony's house two weekends ago. I'm in the process now of downloading pictures from his place so that I can upload them here, but I want to say first that I have never seen a pet iguana before. Gilgamesh is a pretty cool dude, all things considered, and pretty people tolerant. If I were a dinosaur, I would definitely be less cool about my environment than he is, that's for sure. Lesson learned there.... Iguanas eat catnip. Who knew?

But the big thing about Tony's house is the sheep. Scarlett said that all I would hear when I got there was sheep. While I have to argue that Caesar presented some noise competition for my oidos, Scarlett's remarks weren't too far from the truth. Tony's family's sheep farm is extensive and practical. It was fantastic to be able to help with the animals and really know that my efforts were making a positive difference. I also swear I learned far more about sheep in the short weekend that I stayed there than I did in all of my college classes and previous 4-H experience. If Tony ran a sheep camp, I would suggest it to everyone.

And then there was Tony's trip to my house. I can only sum this trip up with Tony's statement about me being my father's son. Totally true, and ever so more obvious when Dad returns home. Tony got along well with Dad since he's been living with me for the past year and we got a lot of wood chipping done and removed the big cherry tree from the top of the hill. Good times.

Attached you will see 3 pictures. First is Gilgamesh, second a couple of twin lambs, and thirdly my graduation victory pump in black and white. I would elaborate on graduation but all I really want to say is thank you. Thank you to my parents for raising me. Thank you to my siblings for teaching me perseverance through their loving teasing. Thank you to God for giving me a reason to live. Thank you to Amanda for bringing so much joy and love into my life. Thank you to Amanda's family for so much support and for trekking up to see me. Thank you to my friends and family who have shown me so much kindness in the past. Thank you to my Michigan State family who have adventured/guided with me down the exciting path to graduation. I wouldn't have wanted MSU any other way.

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