13 September 2011

10 years ago...

The day was pretty much like any other day in early September. Warm sun coming up later in the morning than the day before, with mist in the air causing a haze along the ground. Dew in the spiderwebs and a cold, light breeze - the cold, light breeze mixed with warming sunshine that makes me love Fall. We were driving to church with the radio on, but it wasn't the same popular music that's always on in the early Sunday mornings. Clips of interviews were on the radio, about 8.30 am, clips of frantic people muttering, cursing, screaming in reaction to a similar day 10 years ago. You can't help but feel something in your heart as you then hear the interviews of people from that day. My heart aches for the families left behind, and the mental anguish of those who worked so hard to save other people that day emotionally eclipsed by the guilt of survival. It's been 10 years, and people are still suffering.

I saw on TV on Sunday live video from the new memorial in New York City. It's a beautiful memorial and truly evokes memory of the day's events in anyone who saw footage from that day. It's a long way from that day 10 years ago, and our country has been struggling since. Struggling in a war against elusive and ruthless terrorism. While a long, costly and controversial struggle, it hasn't been by chance that attack plans have failed since then. And we've been struggling against the economic downturn from the shock of that September day. In this recession which leaves so many hungry and homeless, people are begging for help and leadership. But what was said a few years after the event about the day bringing our nation together in support of patriotism and countrymen has only become more true since then. Don't let the sacrifices of those people 10 years ago until now be in vain. Remember and respect their sacrifice and become engaged in your government and your nation.

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