03 November 2010


Finally, the elections are over. I'm so happy to drive into campus in the mornings and not have to listen to politicians bash each other because their adviser told them it would be the best option for victory. Dennis Hyundai even broadcast an ad about how thankful they were for the election being over. It's probably sad that Amanda and I both voted for one candidate on Tuesday night specifically because he didn't bash his opponent. Frankly, I didn't even know who he was running against, but I knew his name when I saw it on the ballet.

In my opinion, one of the worst mudslingers in the entire election won his spot for governor of the state of Ohio: Kasich. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't vote for him. Strickland did so much better of a job directly answering questions while Kasich beat around the bush all the time. I had more trust in Strickland's ability to keep plugging away like he had been, and our state had survived 4 years of democratic rule without being too shabby in this economic downturn so I was pretty sure we could make it another 4. I guess now we have to wait and see if Kasich really meant anything he was trying to say during the debates and press releases.

This was also the first time that I've gotten to vote in the November elections in person since my first year of voting. It was weird, but I guess not much has changed. The electronic machines are pretty efficient at this point and I'm just glad that I was able to come in and cast my vote.

For those of you who didn't bother to vote yesterday, no excuses. You can't complain for the next year or two, or even four in the case of governor (the one person I voted for that didn't win) because you didn't bother to exercise your right to vote. Deal with it.

Pat Tiberi had me worried there for a bit, but as they said in his article today, he wasn't ahead last time when the first votes were tallied either. And he swept Licking and his portion of Delaware counties strongly, putting Paula Brooks out of reach at the end. Both people claim to be great supporters of 4-H, but I can personally tell you who bothers to show up to fairs and take interest in the goings-on of their constituents, and that person rightfully won re-election.

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