14 April 2010

Got Milk?

I do. One of my favorites brought me some today from her home and I have to say that it is absolutely fantastic to have real milk. I can understand why people have this vision of organic greatness in the taste of good milk. Now, I'm pretty sure these cows weren't organic (and if you do finally read my blog again, you can correct me), but still the milk tastes so great and I feel like I can taste the cow in it. Now of course, with Michael Pollan's big quantity points last night, this milk is exactly what he wants. No offense, random cows... while your milk might taste better than Meijer's, you still won't get all of my business.

I need to be able to get milk when I need it and at a price I can afford. This is my personal reason for all of the foods I buy. Sure, local is great, but if I can't afford it, or if local isn't available when I'm finally out of work after a busy day, I'm still going to buy the milk that I can get.

In other news, Trent Loos facebook friended me today. This is pretty special, even if he does have 2100 friends, if only for the fact that he friended me without my searching him out. Heck, I didn't even know he was on facebook, and I was really excited to receive that news this evening.

Also, we played 2-3 hours of basketball today on the feedmill "court". I love playing basketball, and really enjoyed the exercise and the competition. I felt like it was a great, friendly set of matches and I had both my good games and my bad ones. Yet, I always seem to play better on a bad hoop, even if I've never played on it before for previous experience.

And can I just say that it frustrates me when people like Farm Sanctuary do such great things such as save injured animals. That's great, really. But then Gene Baur and his crew turn around and complain about Factory Farms. Find a new term already, because this one still doesn't have a clear definition, only a misguided set of followers.

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